We love swiftlet farming, forever and ever!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where do you come from? Where do you go? My lovely swiftlet

Where are they going everyday?

Where do they come from?

Where will they go during the last moment of their lives?

All these questions will remain mystery & unsolved to me, at least not for a while...

Their movement is so swift that we barely can observe & watch & "lock-on" them with our naked eyes, let alone tracking them without the aid of proper scientific equipment...

Aerodramus Fuciphagus, some say that they can travel as fast as 80 km/h and can travel as far as few hundreds km's radius away from their BH/cave/home in search of food...

They are very special living creature. They eat, rest and play in the sky. They will never touch the ground due to their thin legs. So what happen if one day they are sick? I presume they seldom fall sick and even so, they will stay inside the BH/cave. They will fly and fly until their last breath where they will drop down free-fall from the sky...

That's why the chance is very slim, close to zero for them to spread over any contagious disease due to this special nature.

Heard from some sifus that apart from a place for socialising, mixing, playing, gathering, mating, etc the swiftlets must also have a sacred place for them to rest in peace. Else, why can't we find any of their dead bodies? Definitely not in the BHs (except accident cases), not under the trees, not on the roads, not on the roof, and not within our visibility.

I believe that there must be a place they choose to go thru the last moment of life quietly...come quietly and leave unnoticeably....

However, we have never seen their burial ground before.

If it happened to be one, I think it should be perfectly research-worthy and also should be a place closest to the heaven....

After all, this is only my unsolicited guess. Is there anybody out there to enlighten me with the true facts?

You are most welcome coz I like to know.

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