We love swiftlet farming, forever and ever!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Poultry humidifier VS mist-cooling-system humidifier

Poultry humidifier (半天露)

1. Convenient, easy to use, controllable with timer.

2. Cheaper, around RM300-500 per nos.

3. Bird shit may deposit in the fan. However, this problem can be solved by covering it with a metal deck sheet.

4. A bit noisy.

Mist-cooling-system humidifier (喷雾)

1. More expensive, around RM2000

2. Spraying outlet opening tends to get choked.

3. Not easy to control the temperature, need the aid of hygrostat.

4. Need to have duty and standby units, 2 nos, in case the duty unit broken down.

5. Incur higher BH maintenance cost.

1 comment:

  1. I love the poultry humidifier, cheap and easy to install but still today, I have problem with wet floor and that's not good for new birdhouse. Old birdhouse has not problem with or without humidifier and just with humidifier, you get better nests and better increament of nests if your BH is too warm and dry.

    Any way of solving the wet floor with the poultry Humidifier?
