We love swiftlet farming, forever and ever!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Does size matter?

Since I graduated, I have never looked back for a while.

Sweet memories, bad experience, happiest moments, ups and downs, they just come and go so fast...I would say that construction industry is really making wonders out of scratch.....and it's not too exaggerate to say it is out of thin air....

All these years, I have completed many projects, from one as big as a dam to as small as a BH.

I find that both dam & BH share a common characteristic where they are to be constructed within a certain time frame and budget and they need the builder's very strong determination, team work, concerted effort & perseverance to overcome the hardship before achieving the final product.

Does size really matter, when it comes to measurement of level of satisfaction towards our achievement?

No, I personally don't feel so.

To me, it's equally challenging to ensure a successful completion of a BH, as compared to a dam, bridge or a super highway.

However, if you thought that the size is the only difference between these two projects, you could not have been more wrong.

To me, I discover that the stark difference between them is :

"How we react during the rainy days"

Most of the builders who undertake to construct highway or external infrastructure works, have had the same experience that during rainy season they feel very helpless and frustrated cause their whole operation at site has to be shutdown until sunshine comes back again.

And yet on the other hand for a BH, it is totally reversed, it's kind of blessing that during the rainy days, we will have more birds visit our BHs to build nests. Every ranchers will laugh all the way to the bank for the resounding results...

Believe it or not?

This is not just a story-telling. This is a gift from God. This is real.

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