We love swiftlet farming, forever and ever!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Farming of Change!

In this world, the only thing that always remains unchanged is change itself.

We just cannot stick to yesteryear's approach or way of getting things done and refuse to change.

We live in a challenging & ever-transforming world and always need to solve the challenging problems come to us and in order to cope up with that, our mindset must be tuned up as fast to keep abreast with the fast pace, keep reinventing ourselves, so that we are not left behind under the swift current of change.

Over the years, swiftlet farming has experienced tremendous change and also has seen many loopholes whereby newbies are not properly guided and ended up in misery state and due to public uproar the local council is most unwilling to issue the operating permit. I will not elaborate more on this issue, the reality has spoken volume of it.

I just would like to stress that slight change in the fabric of our thinking can make us moving forward. We should not be going backward as we are modern animal. We are no longer living in caves and we should not become lone ranger. Individualism will bring us to nowhere. We should work in group. Join the local BN association. We need to unlearn from the old way of doing thing quietly without consulting others.

We should work hand in hand to remove the black sheep and cart away the annoying weed of this industry. It is analogical to the "barrel" theory, the barrel will never be filled up if there is still a big hole not patched up. The in-cooperative and recalcitrant few will drag us down further and we are not going anywhere, no thanks to their selfishness and personal hidden agendas, capitalising on newbies' ignorance, reaping profit & pursuing happiness on their suffering, during the process of learning the ropes of the trade.

Just think about that, do your part to make this industry a better one for our children and families, join the local BN association today, join the force, fight the evil, and find win-win ways to address social unrest & public complaints.

Because we are part of the business, part of the big family, we should help each other and under the umbrella of the associations, hopefully we are protected more than ever.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you and good luck.

1 comment:

  1. If only, the authorities allow BHs in town, then you will see hugh increment of BHs.
    If only, all BHs allow the birds to reproduce, then you will see hugh increment of birds in the area.
    If only human are not so greedy or selfish, then life as BHs owners will be made in heaven.
