We love swiftlet farming, forever and ever!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bird’s nest – the Godsend “white gold”

Swiftlet, also known scientifically as Aerodramus Fuciphagus. This specie is popularly known as the white nest or edible nest swiftlet.

The hardened salivary cement of Aerodramus swiftlets' nest has been a delicacy treasured by the Chinese since Tang Dynasty Period (618-907 A.D.).

During proliferation period, the swiftlets build their nest with saliva produced by a pair of large, salivary glands under their tongue. The nest normally built in cupped shaped or a half cut bowl about 3-5 inches in diameter.

According to the scientific findings, edible bird's nest (EDB) has been claimed to be an effective health giving tonic. The nest itself is made by swiftlets' rich gel nourishment secretion which modern research has revealed to contain a number of health promoting qualities.

EDB contains lots of calcium and mineral essential for the general health of the body. It is especially nourishing for the lungs, throat, skin, digestion and it helps to prevent overall dryness while boosting the immune system. Regular consumption helps to promote good circulation of the blood system. Ladies believe that the nest can rejuvenate the complexion, smooth the skin and keep them looking young.

Furthermore, it is neither too cooling nor heaty and is suitable for the young and old.

Methods of Preparation

Have fun with the following preparations!

1) Pure bird’s nest

Use a crock pot or double boiler for best results. To add rock sugar or bee rock sugar.

2) Cold bird’s nest

After it is cooked, let it cool for a while before putting into the refrigerator. Do not add ice-cubes to the bird’s nest.

3) Bird’s nest with ginseng

Stew the bird’s nest and ginseng in a crock pot or double boiler and add rock sugar.

4) Bird nest with chicken

Put bird’s nest into chicken. Stew for hours.

5) Bird’s nest with porridge

This will provide us with a very nutritious and delicious meal.



Monday, March 30, 2009


燕窝业逢勃在东南亚已有百多年了. 单单一个印度尼西亚就占了世界出口量的6070%,常年成交量大约超过十多亿美金. 其它出口国包括泰国, 越南, 柬埔寨, 缅甸, 寮国以及马来西亚. 大马2000年出口只占了区区3 6% 而已, 大部份燕窝产自东马的山洞.

印度尼西亚拥有不少过500,000间燕屋. 早在50年前, 马来亚半岛已经有人从事燕业了, 只是当时的数目不多. 进入90年代才有差不多100间燕屋, 分散在全马各地. 大部份的燕屋都是建设在沿海城市的战前老屋或古屋. 燕子是自己自然及自愿飞来的. 此现象发生在大马不超过50. 当时燕子数量增加完全不依靠改造及装修, 也不靠高超科技. 对于燕子的不请自来, 燕屋主人都认为是自己走运了! 当时的业者都不懂得利用科技来引燕, 也根本不须要这么做. 也就是说这群人这么多年来都是默默地得到幸运之神青睐, 真是羡煞旁人!

一直到1998, 印尼发生政变及社会动荡不安, 许多企业家纷纷逃难及转移资金来西马. 1997年世界经济不景气也让本地的房地产遭受到前所未有的低潮. 很多房屋大跌价, 价钱狂泻了一半以上. 后来这些印尼企业家开始和本地人合作投资买房产, 利用印尼的养燕技术, 把空置的屋子改成燕屋, 也就成功造就了今天的现代式燕屋.

这群燕业先锋者的成功率非常高., 也带动了本地屋主跟风投资在此领域. 那些将近破产的屋主把空置以及无人问津的屋子摇身一变成不朽传奇, 空手改变历史, 走出经济低靡废墟. 他们奔走印尼拜师学习养燕窍门, 学识与科技. 当他们学成还乡, 就开始建造燕屋, 期待上天施给奇迹.

就这样的, 在几年后, 燕屋就如雨后春笋般渐渐增加. 直到2005 年为止, 西马一共建了15,00020,000间现代燕屋, 总值为45亿令吉. 无心栽柳柳成阴, 养燕业间接地让本地房地业受惠无穷, 解救了半上不下的屋业困境. 2008, 本地大概有一百千间燕屋. 如果一间市价是五百千令吉来计算, 总投资将值500亿令吉.之多. 更何况此数目美天正在不断增加中! 现在, 很明显的看到大公司和挂牌上市公司也跟着来分一杯羹, 展演至城市边缘的Eco-parks. (100,000 x RM500,000=RM50,000,000,000=500亿令吉. 常年总汇收是=100,000 x 2 kg 一个月内=200,000 kg x RM4,000=RM800,000,000 x 12 个月=RM9,600,000,000 或者是赚取96亿令吉外汇)


(本文翻译及摘自DL Report On the Malaysia Swiftlet Nest Industry)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

About swiftlet farming – you should get more birds if you build more BHs!

There is a misconception that the more BHs we build, the lesser birds will stay in our BHs.

I think this thinking is wrong, obsolete and ridiculous, indeed.

This is only a selfish thinking derived from a selfish mind.

Hey, we are living in a free-marketeering world. You do not have the right to stop others from owning something, let alone talking about monopolizing this God sent golden goose.

If a rancher’s BH is conducive for the swiftlets, (and also provided that he is a breeder where he does not kill or throw away the baby swiftlets or eggs), not only he can keep them, but the numbers will increase many fold with the power of a special component which is time.

That’s why there is a saying, time is money!

Let me show you a simple calculation.

This is a simplified estimating calculation of the swiftlets population in Malaysia. Before that, a few assumption will be made, they are:

1) The area of BH is based on a typical 2 storeys town BH, size 22’ x 80’;

2) For a successful BH, each square foot of space can comfortably produce 1 bird nest every 4 months;

3) assumed that 10% of the new birds do not survive (due to predator, accident, and other reasons that may cause fatality)

4) 1 pair of swiftlets lay 2 eggs per season for 3 times in a year;

5) All the failed farms are not successfully revamped;

6) There is always abundant food supply for the new swiftlets.

Calculation of BHs to be built every year to cater for the increasing swiftlet population

The statistic shows that until to-date, there are 60,000 BH farms built in Malaysia and only 30 % (18,000 farms) of them are successful.

Therefore, estimated existing swiftlet population in whole Malaysia now

= 18,000 x 3520 ft2 + 42,000 x 50 bird nest

= 65,460,000 pairs

1st year anticipated population

= 65,460,000 + 65,460,000 x 3 = 261,840,000, discounted 10% = 235,656,000 pairs.

Additional successful BHs to be built = (235,656,000 – 65,460,000) / 3520 = 48,351 units

2nd year anticipated population

= 235,656,000 + 235,656,000 x 3 = 942,624,000, discounted 10% = 848,361,600 pairs.

Additional successful BHs to be built = (848,361,600 – 65,460,000) / 3520 = 222,415 units

3rd year anticipated population

= 848,361,600 + 848,361,600 x 3 = 3,393,446,400, discounted 10%= 3,054,101,760 pairs.

Additional successful BHs to be built = (3,054,101,760 – 65,460,000) / 3520 = 849,046 units


1) The more the merrier. The more BHs you build, the faster the swiftlet population will grow.

2) The vast swiftlet population is far enough & more than all ranchers can share & chew.

3) If BHs are not constructed fast enough to house them (i.e 48,351 units in the 1st year), the subsequent year’s forecasted population will remain only as “promising figure” that is not going to materialise. This is because at the first place, we do not have sufficient BHs for them to occupy. The new birds may find their homes in the neighbouring countries like Thailand, Indonesia & Vietnam.

The above are just my personal findings. You are most welcome to comment.

It may sound like expecting son even before we are married, but I hope that my argument may hold some true.

Again and most importantly, the above formula works only if all swiftlet ranchers are pure breeders.

To be breeders, their birds will multiply very fast, to be harvesters, only old birds are allowed to live and therefore the swiftlet population will never increase (reference: West Wing, Lowyat V1 posts).

I hope that all ranchers are breeders and for God's sake, change your mindset if you are not.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

About swiftlet farming – you can succeed if you want! (Part 2)

Swiftlet farming can generate good passive income for you and your family. In the same time, you are doing the swiftlets good by providing them a safe home to stay.

If you wise enough to devote a little of your spare time to invest in yourself by learning the knowledge about this trade, I am sure we may be able to enjoy early retirement before age 50.

I know of an active swiftlet blogger, at quite young age, already a multi-millionaire and own quite a number of BHs. He has something a lot of people don’t.

He has freedom in almost everything; time freedom, travel freedom and spending freedom. This is something I always dream of!

A good investment is absolutely free, as the investment will give you back more than what you have given. Having a good employee may be costly but in long run is free of charge. The little swiftlets may burn a hole in your pocket to lure them staying in your BH, but once they find it comfortable to stay they will be your cash cow thereafter. They are your loyal “employees” who never take salary and will work for you day and night without complaining. Where in the world you can recruit this kind of employees?

However, to do a BH, we need to invest a sizable sum of cash. Where are we going to get this money from?

First thing first, we need to save as much as possible and invest the money in something that can produce income or its value can appreciate over time.

By building the BH investment portfolio, slowly we can switch from doing something you dislike (your current job) to something we love (swiftlet farming).

As wise old Chinese saying, “do not afraid of slowness, but just make sure you do not stand still and do nothing.”

Although our job may stink, it sure beats no job, which is the alternative until we are generating enough cash to live off our BH investment.

A dream? After all, all millionaires started with a dream.

Just do not afraid to dream, my friend.

Friday, March 27, 2009

About swiftlet farming – you can succeed if you want! (Part 1)

Swiftlet farming is a multimillion dollars business. It is a hobby-cum-good investment especially for those who have a very deep pocket.

As it is a lucrative and attractive industry, every year it has enticed a lot of newbies who yearn for an early retirement to venture into it.

Furthermore, there is one thing special about this industry. You can understand and catch up with the knowledge of this industry quite well within a short period if you have met the right people & do the right thing at the right place in the right time.

You do not have to study in university to pick up all those related theories in order to master the skill to excel in this trade.

All you need to do is to gain as much practical experience as possible. It is just like newly graduated lawyer needs to go through apprenticeship under senior’s supervision for actual practical works before called to bar, or doctor under few years of houseman ship.

Do you know that for any of the industries, many a time, the beginners are normally put off by the terminology or so-called “alien’s language”? Physicians, lawyers, arch
itects and engineers all have their own language. All like to portrait themselves as a priestly superior class with a knowledge which is not available to the everyday ordinary men. We can’t blame them as they just want to protect themselves from outsiders by resort to the language of their own.

However, swiftlet farming does not give you this hassle. Most of the time, you do not need to memorise a lot of technical terms and the common terms used by the industry players could be easily comprehended. The only problem associated with this trade is that we rarely have in-depth and comprehensive researches carried out to differentiate the right from wrong of some theories pertinent to the technology used, design and the bird’s behaviour.

All the techniques, skills, tricks and findings of this trade can be explained scientifically. In fact, BH design is a blend of art and science, just like architecture and engineering. Nobody can claim that someone’s BH design is absolutely wrong; we can only comment that the design may take longer time to bear fruit, not so cost-effective or not practical.

Once a while, we might be deterred by the feeling that some explanations are at odds with what we have observed and what have happened in reality. The theories may not be able to explain certain behaviour of the swiftlets. For instance, we have been told that swiftlets like to stay in darkness but sometimes we will have strange case where they are found building their nests in the bright area (please refer to the photos below).

Be that as it may, I find this alright to me as no economy model or human behavior theory can explain well, capture and predict precisely what will happen to our country tomorrow. Just tell me which famous doctor cures all his patients? Under the hot sun, there will be some exceptional case as far as the nature is concerned. If the theory can correctly explain 99% percent of all the occurrences, it should be considered good enough.

In a nutshell, I like to say it is worth the effort we spend if we embark on this business. It is not as difficult as you perceive, and I believe the effort we spend and the time we invest to obtain a degree is much harder than this. However, there is no hard and fast rule. There is no easy way but if there is a will there is a way. Do not rush for it and you should only start once you are confident to do so. Learning consistently and gradually during the weekend and God willing we can improve very soon.

Now, are you feeling excited?

Are you impressed?

Are you inspired?

Perhaps this is the time you should consider to give it a hit.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eco-park - do you think it will work?

Some BH ranchers from Johor have to pay hefty compound in lieu of the BH license fee every year due to unable to obtain permit from the respective local council for running their BHs.

Every time I think of this so-called “annual fee”, my heart will start getting TL!!!

Just because of a few recalcitrant BH owners and the infamous eco-parks are being launched, we all have to make do with running the town BH illegally without being given the opportunity to prove ourselves that we are qualified for the license and we are equally capable of operating the BHs by adhering with the GAHP guidelines & NGL.

Doing BH in town and operating of Eco-parks in outskirts are two separate investments and issues but fall under same industry. It is quite analogical to the rubber and oil palm planting industries. The planting industry also has 2 categories; the small holders and the large estates. The planting industry started from individual holders encouraged by the Govt to aid in the locals’ income to rid of poverty. Later big corporations come into picture by turning huge forests into large plantations. Both co-existed till today.

I fully support Lucas 1’s argument of “analogy”. One man's meat is another man's poison. Eco-park is suitable for big corporations, not the small timers’ cup of tea!!!

However, sad but true, it is not unusual to say that not all states feel comfortable to see both co-exist. Many a time, perverse refusal of town BH & on the other hand welcomingly embrace the eco-park by the authorities is what we are facing right now, as far as Johor state is concerned.

Our lamentation is not unfounded, judging by the ever-increasing numbers of eco-park projects and the freezing of license application, we have every reason to feel worried about the coming bumpy road lying ahead.

Frankly speaking, if the town BHs are allowed to flourish like the eco-park, I really do not give a hoot whether it is eco-park or ecock park or tcock park! If we are forced to accept it, I think we should shoot it down until the last bullets.

Sometimes I can’t help but keep asking the questions:
What is so extraordinarily special with this eco-park? Why eco-park is legal but not town BHs?

Correct me if I am wrong. In eco-parks, the buildings constructed are called eco-BHs, not shop houses even though they look like shop houses in towns. Funny thing is that most eco parks are also built in towns, and they are not built on agriculture lands. The differences VS town BH which I can think of are that i) they are permitted with license ii) but cannot be used for commercial & business purpose. So all the smart investors please think thrice before making the buying decision, if the eco park BH fails, your investment will not be recovered-it’s a total loss!!!.

Once we skip the differences, we can comfortably say that the so-called eco-park is just same like the town BHs. It is LPPL!!!

As both are providing the ecosystem or sanctuary for the swiftlet, why can’t we let the town BH has the license too? Or is it simply because of the name of “eco-park” is more sophisticated?

Ok, fine, as you wish, let the town BHs change name to eco-park lah! After all it’s just a name only. What’s the big deal?

I wish to say that changing name is not something impossible. I have seen a whole row of shop houses all converted to BHs, just due to the very reason that the location is not suitable for doing none other business. Since the authority is so fond of the name of “eco-park”, the owners might as well convert their BHs to eco-park so long as they can be granted the license to operate. The council this time has no reason to turn down the license application. We do not care it is black cat or white cat, as long as it can catch the rat it is a good cat.

Again above is just my humble 2 cents.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BH construction cost – is it the time to embark on building a BH? (Part 2)

For your information, last year the standalone BH (RC structure type) construction cost (excluding land cost) was in the range of RM 40 per ft2 to RM 60 per ft2, depends on the location.

From what I have analysed lately, the construction cost for a typical BH now (not inclusive of sound systems, M & E, CCTV, alarm system and piling costs) is around RM 25 per ft2.

The piling cost depends on the soil condition of the site. Soggy and softer ground in the location like paddy field will incur higher foundation cost, as compared to more solid laterite and sandy bay.

Anyway, for a three stories high BH, the piling (150 x 150 RC square pile) cost normally should be around RM 4.90 to RM 7.80 per ft2.

After adding in the sound system, M & E costs and the consultancy fee, the total overall construction cost should fetch around RM 42.50 per ft2 to RM 46 per ft2 with the assumption that 20% of profit margin to be paid to the contractor or consultant.

Therefore, you can see that if you are able to DIY your BH, it can easily save you a great amount of money. How much you can save? I think your calculator should be able to tell you that.

If you are able to supervise the work, better still, you will have peace of mind on the quality of the contractor’s works and in the same time no need to employ a supervisor or a clerk-of-work to inspect the contractor’s works on behalf of you.

If the quotation given is lower than RM 40 per ft2, it may likely be a scam, higher than RM 60 per ft2, I will be a "con" because with this price you should be able to build a terrace house for human-dwelling! If you encounter this, you should fly kite the contractor or dismiss the idea to proceed further, otherwise he will laugh all the way to the bank due to your ignorance.

Again please take note that the price stated above is for your reference only. The rate is based on Penang’s market price and built-up according to a typical BH’s standard specification. The price may vary in different locations & specification and it will change from time to time. You are advised to carry out at least a cost comparison exercise (by enquiring a few quotations) prior to making the final decision.

Also, when we talk about the BH construction cost, it does not capture permit application cost (from the authorities), management & supervisory costs, professional consultancy (architect, C & S engineer) costs if you want to obtain OC or CCC, finance cost, operating & maintenance cost and other relevant costs, which I will further share with you soon under the article of BH development cost.

FYI, until the posting of this article, concrete (location: Bukit Mertajam) G25/20 price has been reduced to RM 164 per m3 and it will drop some more as the cement’s price is given more rebate by the suppliers (price per bag of OPC going down from RM 13+ to RM 12+). Last year the price was about RM 198 per m3.

I believe that and as I mentioned earlier, the building material cost has gone down a lot as compared to last year, so it is expected that the contractor by now should be able to offer you a very reasonable fair price.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

BH construction cost – is it the time to embark on building a BH? (Part 1)

Today, I like to discuss a bit about the BH construction materials cost.

Due to the shortage of demand and the chain reaction of the financial crisis, major construction materials price has dropped a lot since last year (2008). We have seen that the steel bar’s price plummeting drastically from around RM4000 per ton Oct 2008 to to-date only RM 1800 per ton.

Can we blame the concept of free market or laissez faire for this peculiar phenomenon?

As we all know, “capitalism” is a buzzword in the business & money world.

No doubt capitalism does provide better products for people, but that does not necessarily mean we need to accept unchecked capitalism.

As we have already witnessed recently, unchecked capitalism also has its flaw. Now it has befallen back on us and started taken its toll.

The fact is that today we have to pay high price for something done out of our reach, by those self-centre, selfish and inconsiderate few. Capitalism, so to speak, is a tool utilised in favour of the affluent class of society to help them making tons of money in this “money can buy everything and no money no talk” world and it’s tipped to benefit the big timers rather than the ordinary men on the streets.

In the world of free marketeering and free craving for fruits of the earth, human needs are endless & thirst for material can never be quenched. Greediness and desperate desire for gain and wealth can always rear its ugly head and the honesty & sincerity inside of us can always be nullified by the power of money.

Look at what have happened around us, whatever materials have got the potential to gain premium over selling price in overseas will be exploited and manipulated upon. The actual price of such materials can be twisted to an irrational extent for wanton profiteering and this has cast far-reaching consequences globally at the expensive of the impoverished.

Big timers and money-craze opportunists can gather to monopolise the economy and they have unlimited resources available at their disposal. They will deploy whatever dirty tricks & tactics and means they possess, if you like to name them: create false needs, stockpile materials in mass quantity during low price period and suppress the supply of certain products or goods.

All this at the end will certainly give rise to a sudden price hike. A commodity’s price now is no longer governed by the basic economy theory i.e to be dictated by the force of supply and demand. We are at their mercy under the cover of capitalism.


I beg your pardon for little bit of sidetrack.

Back to the BH construction cost.

Anyway, prices of most building materials are likely to remain stable this year amid slowing demand and lower production costs on falling commodity prices.

The slump in building material prices will benefit all those who plan to build a BH this year. You’ve got a chance to own a more value-for-money BH this time around! Moreover, your investment is further justified and underpinned by good BN selling price.

This is the right time for you to venture out into this business. This is the time of your life. You have the bargaining power to negotiate for better price from the contractors. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

What I can say is now it is a good time to start off your BH as the price of the materials is very attractive and it will save you a significant amount of money. The money saved can be channeled for other useful purposes. Don’t you think it’s great?

So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s get the ball rolling now, my friends.